February 18, 2007

Needs, Wants and Desires

First I would like to specify what I mean by the three. Needs are the things that we simply cannot live without, or at least we think so. Wants are at a higher level than needs, meaning that we can live without them but they make our lives easier. Desires form the highest level, and I see them as things that we only dream or fantasize about. To take an example, transportation is my need, I want a car and I desire a Bentley.

The question is: Why am I rambling about these three in my post? Because I find that everyone can achieve anything that one needs, whereas the wants and desires in what I mean by them are unachievable. I am not sounding pessimistic. On the contrary this is an idealistic view. When a person's need is fulfilled, ideally that person should be satisfied. However, what happens is that one satisfaction of a need puts the person on a road to fulfill other wants and desires also. The only way to fulfill them is by masquerading them as needs ad then making a case for their fulfillment. This seems to be one of the many predicaments that have befallen the human race.

But, as they say, the good comes with the bad, and vice verse. There is a way to use this aspect of human nature in a beneficial way. The highest goal is self realization. Yet, so few men and women achieve it: why? It is because self realization was their need and not a mere want or desire. It is conceivable that they also placed this ideal as a want or desire in the beginning, but soon found that self realization was their one and only need. Similarly, if I am to obtain self realization, I must need it like I need air; no, even more acutely than that. Then and only then can I achieve self realization.

And, as I said earlier, we always achieve what we need.......


At 8:22 PM , Blogger Alok Rathod said...

My friend you got his right.
I think we don't even know what we want. And we put our expectations on desire rather than need and wants.

Tell us more about how can we have self realization?

At 9:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This world has enough of everything that everyone needs - but it does not have enough for what everyone wants.

Your last para suggests that you could make anything 'needful', 'wanting' or 'desirable'. It's the human power to do so. Actually 'wants' and 'desires' are mental abilities to make one achieve something. Would humans have ever flown if someone did not 'desire' to do so someday. Now, it became needful.

If necessity is mother of invention then desire is the grand-mother. Self realization is ability to categorize your source of action into 'need', 'want' and 'desire'.

At 11:33 AM , Blogger Neonirvana said...


I think you misunderstood my idea of needs, wants and desires. Also, what the general population considers merely a desire, is actually a need for only a few, who achieve their goal. The inventions that we see around the world were not invented by the humanity in general, but only two people who made such an achievement their need. That is why I have placed need even igher than desires.....


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